September 16, 2020 Wednesday

Correct thought and action with Party rules and discipline

Information source: Qiushi Release time: 2024-04-17

  Discipline is the "yardstick" for party management and governance, and it is also the standard and observance for Party members and cadres to restrain their own behavior。In order to further study and implement the revised Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), with the consent of the CPC Central Committee, from April to July 2024, study and education on Party discipline will be carried out throughout the Party。This Party discipline study and education is an important measure to strengthen the Party's discipline construction and promote the development of comprehensive and strict Party governance in depth。The majority of Party members and cadres should effectively unify the thought and action to the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, take the study and education of Party discipline as an important political task, use Party rules and Party discipline to correct the thought and action, and truly make the process of learning Party discipline a process of enhancing discipline awareness and improving Party spirit。

  Marx said, "Party discipline must be absolutely maintained, otherwise nothing will be achieved."。Our Party is a Marxist party organized with revolutionary ideals and iron discipline. Strict organization and strict discipline are the Party's fine traditions and political advantages, and are also the source of our strength。The early days of the Red Army,毛泽东同志就高度重视整肃军纪,From the "do not take the masses a sweet potato" rule,To "Three disciplines and six points of attention" (later developed into "Three disciplines and eight points of attention"),It has laid a solid foundation for the fine style of the people's army;During the Liaoshen Campaign,The apples in the countryside of Jinzhou are ripe,The People's Liberation Army soldiers who marched past were hungry and thirsty,But not a single apple,Whether it be hung on trees, harvested in people's homes, or fallen on the ground;After the liberation of Shanghai,So as not to disturb the citizens,The soldiers strictly enforced the rule of "staying out of people's houses",Sleeping in the wet streets with guns and clothes..."Strengthen discipline,The revolution is invincible.。For more than a hundred years, it is precisely because of iron discipline based on high political consciousness that our Party has always won the love and support of the people, and united and led the people to win one victory after another in revolution, construction and reform。

  "We are such a big political party, how can we manage our own ranks?How to overcome risks and challenges?In addition to correct theories, lines, principles and policies, we must rely on strict norms and discipline。”这是习近平总书记对我们党纪律建设经验的深刻总结,也是对全党的谆谆告诫。Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,以习近平同志为核心的党中央将纪律建设作为全面从严治党的治本之策,Incorporate into the overall layout of Party building in the new era,We will continue to exercise strict discipline over and govern the whole Party,This has fundamentally reversed the lax and soft governance of the Party,It provided a strong disciplinary guarantee for the development of the cause of the Party and the country。At the same time, we must be soberly aware that there are still some party members and cadres who do not care about, do not understand, and do not grasp Party rules and discipline。We must put the construction of discipline in a more prominent position, so that Party organizations at all levels and Party members and cadres really attach importance to it from the ideological perspective and implement it well in action。

  Comprehensively and strictly governing the Party is always on the way, and the Party's discipline building cannot be relaxed for a moment。With more than 98 million members, our Party is the largest ruling party in the world. It is uniting and leading more than 1.4 billion people in an all-round effort to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization。Without iron discipline, there will be no unity and unity of the Party, the Party's cohesion and combat effectiveness will be greatly weakened, and the Party's ability to lead and govern will be greatly weakened。On the new journey, the more complex the international and domestic situation the Party faces and the more arduous the tasks of reform, development and stability it shoulders, the more important it is to strengthen discipline, safeguard Party unity, and ensure that the whole Party has a united will, acts in concert, and moves forward in unison。It can be said that it is very important, necessary and timely to carry out the study and education of Party discipline and strengthen the construction of Party discipline。

  习近平总书记多次就开展党纪学习教育发表重要讲话、作出重要指示。January 8, 2024,At the third plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,Proposed "to study and implement the newly revised disciplinary regulations as an opportunity,Carry out a concentrated discipline education throughout the Party ";January 31st,When presiding over the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee to review the summary report on thematic education and the opinions on consolidating and expanding the achievements of thematic education,"Carry forward the spirit of self-revolution,Carry out concentrated discipline education in all Party organizations."During an inspection trip to Hunan in March,Further emphasize the "organization and development of good Party discipline learning and education.,Guide party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, Ming discipline, and discipline "...Important speeches and instructions of the General Secretary,It has strong political, ideological, pertinence and guidance,To carry out the party discipline study and education provides the fundamental follow。It is necessary to earnestly study and understand and fully implement,Further deepen the awareness of the importance of strengthening Party discipline construction and the harm of ignoring party discipline and violating Party discipline,We will encourage Party organizations and leading bodies at all levels to strictly build Party discipline,We will encourage party members and cadres to strengthen their awareness of abiding by discipline,以严明的纪律确保全党自觉同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致,Unity of thought and unity of action,Know what to do and forbid what to do,This will create a strong driving force and synergy for promoting Chinese-style modernization。

  A large number of cases show that cadres have problems because of breakthroughs in discipline。"Regulations" as the basis of the Party's discipline construction backbone inner-party regulations, drew the party organization and party members can not touch the bottom line of discipline, is the focus of the Party discipline learning education。Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the CPC Central Committee has continuously improved the discipline regulations in accordance with the situation and the needs of Party building, and revised the Regulations three times in 2015, 2018, and 2023.。本次修订后的《365备用网站》全面贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的二十大精神,Starting from the general source of the Party Constitution,Stick to a strict tone,Adhere to the combination of problem orientation and goal orientation,Improve discipline with The Times,We will further tighten political discipline and rules,Drive all disciplines to be strictly enforced,Send a strong signal that discipline will get tougher。

  Only by knowing the discipline can we abide by it。It is necessary to grasp the focus of learning, focus on solving the problems of some party members and cadres who do not care, do not understand, and do not grasp the Party rules and discipline, organize party members, especially Party members leading cadres, to carefully study the Regulations, find out what the Party's disciplinary rules are, and find out what can be done and what cannot be done。We should integrate learning into daily life and focus on the regular,Adhere to study chapter by chapter and article by article, in connection with practice,We should use cases to promote learning and training to help students,To promote the Regulation into the mind and heart,Deepen understanding and application of the Regulations,Educate and guide Party members and cadres to accurately grasp the main thrust and requirements of the Regulations,Further clarify the yardstick for daily words and deeds,Engrave rules and discipline in your heart,Internalize the code of conduct,Further strengthen the sense of discipline, strengthen self-restraint, improve immunity,Strengthen political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and anti-corruption determination,Always be loyal, clean and responsible。
