September 16, 2020 Wednesday

Foreign Trade Information (2023.07)

Source: Legal Affairs Department of Shenzhen Municipal Trade Promotion Commission Release time: 2023-07-28
  Thailand extends the effective date for regulating the label characteristics of goods

  Recently, the Thai Labelling Board issued a notice extending the date of December 26, 2022 (B.E.2022) The date of entry into force of Notification No. 3 on the labelling control of the labelling characteristics of goods。

  The new implementation date of Notice No. 3 is October 15, 2023, and the transition period for the new label provided for in this notice will end on February 12, 2024。

  The amendment mainly improves the content of information that must be displayed on the labels of regulated products。The label must contain the following information:

  (1) the name of the product category or type;

  (2) the name or trademark of the manufacturer registered in Thailand and sold in Thailand;

  (3) the name or trademark registered in Thailand by the person who orders or imports the product into Thailand for sale;

  (4) in the case of imported goods, the name of the country of manufacture;

  (5) The location of the manufacturer/importer;

  (6) the size, dimension, quantity, capacity or weight of the product (as the case may be), where the unit of measurement may be full name, abbreviation or symbol;

  (7) Description of the use of the product;

  (8) Safety instructions for use or storage;

  (9) Warnings, prohibitions or cautions about colors that contrast with the background color;

  (10) Date, month and year of manufacture;

  (11) Maturity date, month, year (if applicable);

  (12) Prices are expressed in Thai Baht or other currencies。

  The content of the product label must be clearly visible and legible。The font height displayed on the label must be at least 2 mm。However, a label with an area less than 35cm2 can have a letter height of at least 1.5mm。

  (Source: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)

  8Since October, China has implemented CCC certification management for lithium-ion battery packs and mobile power supplies

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 20 (Reporter Zhao Wenjun)The General Administration of Market Supervision recently announced that since August 1, 2023, the implementation of CCC certification management for lithium-ion batteries and battery packs and mobile power supplies。Since August 1, 2024, without the CCC certification and marked certification mark, may not be factory, sale, import or use in other business activities。

  Up to now, the CCC certification system covers a total of 16 categories of 96 products, including household electronic appliances, automobiles, toys and other consumer industrial products involving the daily life of the public, which has played an important role in promoting product safety and quality improvement and protecting consumer rights and interests。

  (Source: Xinhuanet)

  The United States has launched a mid-term review of safeguards for solar products

  The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) has recently launched a mid-term review of safeguards for modules, equipment and photovoltaic solar products。These measures were implemented in February 2018 and extended for another four years in February 2022。The extension increases the tariff quota to 5 gigawatts, double the original measure。Imports within the tariff quota will no longer be subject to safeguard duties, but will be subject to regular import duties based on the current US tariff schedule, which is currently set at zero。Products exceeding the quota will be charged 14 in the first year.75% security tax, gradually decreasing every year thereafter.25%。

  Safeguards lasting more than three years are subject to a mid-term review, which aims to assess the impact and effectiveness of these measures on U.S. manufacturing。Based on the results of the review, the ITC may recommend adjustments to the measures, such as maintaining the tariff rate, extending or shortening the period of the tariff, reducing the tariff rate, or exempting certain countries from the tariff。

  The mid-term review hearing is scheduled for November 14, 2023。The ITC is required to submit its interim review report to the President and the U.S. Congress by February 6, 2024。

  (Source: Economic and Commercial Section of the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam)

  The European Commission has adopted the Implementing Rules for the Foreign Subsidies Regulation

  On 10 July 2023, the European Commission adopted a companion Regulation to the Foreign Subsidies Regulation - the Implementing Regulation on the Detailed Arrangements for Enforcement Proceedings by the European Commission (the Implementing Regulation).。The Implementing Regulation provides for the procedures and contents of the pre-declaration of the concentration of business operators and public procurement, as well as the time limit and procedure for the review by the European Commission。

  The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation, which came into force on 12 January 2023 and came into force on 12 July 2023, aims to prevent foreign subsidies from distorting fair competition in the EU internal market。According to the regulation, enterprises that receive foreign subsidies engaged in mergers and acquisitions in the EU, bidding for public procurement projects, if they reach a certain turnover/target amount and subsidy amount threshold, they need to make a prior declaration。

  In terms of concentration of operators,The Implementation Regulations and the declaration form specify the contents of the report,Including: foreign subsidies that are likely to distort the EU market,The applicant is required to provide details of a single subsidy of more than EUR 1 million received by the concentrated party in the last three years;For other foreign subsidies,The applicant only needs to provide the basic information on the individual subsidies of more than €1 million provided to the applicant in the last three years by countries that have provided a total of more than €45 million in the last three years。

  (Source: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)

  The Paraguayan Intellectual Property Office has officially launched the registration of sound trademarks

  The Paraguayan Intellectual Property Office (DINAPI) has signed a cooperation agreement with the National Symphony Orchestra (OSN) to formalize the registration of sound trademarks in Paraguay。

  According to DINAPI Director Talaver, "For DINAPI, this agreement is the first step in formally applying to register a sound trademark, the music technology standards that will be used to determine the originality of works submitted to this program.。”

  How will it work in practice?

  1. DINAPI will receive applications for the protection of sound trademarks;

  2. DINAPI will send the application for the sound trademark to OSN, which will evaluate it against the music technical standards;

  3. The OSN will designate a qualified technical panel to evaluate the submitted application;

  4. The technical team of OSN will determine by opinion the originality of the above works and certify the significance of the works applied for registration。

  (Source: China Intellectual Property Protection Network)

  Europe publishes the first industry standard for battery passports

  Recently, a consortium of more than 120 companies plans to jointly launch a blockchain-based "battery passport," a digital certificate that contains key information about the battery's composition, health, history, and so on, allowing owners to track the battery's history。Members of the alliance include automakers such as Honda and Ford, as well as well-known car companies such as Nissan, Mazda, General Motors, Stellantis and BMW。

  From 2026, the European Union will require batteries to use digital passports。The passports will provide a detailed digital record of the battery's supply chain and state the origin of its materials, the percentage of recycled components, the carbon dioxide emissions associated with them, and various human rights protections。Other major markets such as the United States and India are considering similar regulations。

  Global companies involved in the effort have drafted standards with Amazon Web Services and Hitachi in which each battery will be assigned an identification number on the blockchain。The consortium, known as the Mobile Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI), also hopes to track the production of each cell in a battery to calculate its carbon footprint。In addition, Nikkei Asia noted that MOBI plans to track the condition of the battery in real time。A decentralized approach is recommended to make traceability easier, help preserve sensitive company information such as vendor names, and prevent collusion involving centralized actors。By creating open, interoperable standards, it hopes to prevent vendor lock-in and single points of failure。

  The new battery law of the European Union, which is about to be officially released and take effect, describes the battery passport in detail, according to the requirements of the regulation, the European Union will force multiple types of batteries to provide battery passports as digital ID cards for market circulation and recycling。The European Parliament believes that the introduction of the battery passport will enable it to better enforce the recycling requirements for battery materials。The Initiative hopes that other authorities outside Europe will adopt its standards and plans to publish them soon。

  (Source: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)
