2020年9月16日 星期三
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Guide launched to ease expats' life in SZ 深圳发布“外籍人士便利化服务全媒体指引”

信息来源:EyeShenzhen 发布时间:2024-06-07

Video by Lin Jianping

A multimedia guide that aims to ease expats’ life and work in Shenzhen was jointly launched by the Foreign Affairs Office of the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government, and EyeShenzhen, the city’s official multilingual portal, in Futian this afternoon. Its launch ceremony was brimming with technological elements, including an AI-powered digital MC, real-time translation and an interaction with EyeShenzhen’s Chatbot. 


The comprehensive guide aims to help expatriate residents, international talent and overseas visitors better navigate the city, and enjoy their lives and work here.  



An attendee browses a flyer to learn about the multimedia guide that aims to ease expats’ life and work in Shenzhen. Photos by Liu Xudong

Over 60 representatives from various local units and institutions, including the Foreign Affairs Office, Talent Affairs Bureau, Commerce Bureau, and Public Security Bureau, as well as Shenzhen Global Communication Ambassadors and expats residing in the city's international blocks, attended the event.


The guide consists of three parts: several immersive videos driven by creative technology, a series of videos showing expats or international tourists how to handle issues related to taxation, medical services, public transportation, bank account opening, SIM card purchasing, booking cultural and sports venues and volunteering activities; and a multilingual handbook “A Foreigners’ Guide to Shenzhen” covering Shenzhen’s profile, tips for newcomers, city exploration and useful information. 



An expat attendee listens as a guest delivers a speech.

This combination provides expatriate residents in Shenzhen with essential and practical information, as well as service details, necessary for their work, daily life, and travel, which is presented in a clear, convenient, and visually appealing manner to help foreign friends quickly adapt to life in Shenzhen.



Expat attendees listen as a guest delivers a speech. 

The videos and the electronic version of the foreigners' guide will soon be available on the official WeChat account of the Foreign Affairs Office and EyeShenzhen.



Representatives from government departments and different institutions press buttons to mark the launch of a partner program aimed at developing Shenzhen into a city with a world-leading business environment.

The ceremony also marked the launch of a partner program aimed at developing Shenzhen into a city with a world-leading business environment. This initiative invites relevant units and organizations to work together to promote Shenzhen’s city image and facilitate its efforts towards internationalization. 



Jing Yisong, deputy chief of the Comprehensive Business Section, Fourth Tax Branch of Shenzhen Tax Service of the State Taxation Administration, introduces the efforts the Shenzhen Tax Service has made to better serve the city's foreign residents. 

Representatives of the Shekou Management and Service Center for Expats, the Shenzhen Tax Service, the Culture, Media, Tourism and Sports Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, and the People's Bank of China Shenzhen Branch were invited to share their efforts to better serve the city’s foreign residents by building one-stop and expat-friendly service systems and streamlining operations.

发布会上, 来自蛇口境外人员管理服务中心、国家税务总局深圳市税务局第四税务分局、深圳市文化广电旅游体育局以及中国人民银行深圳市分行的代表们登台,分享了关于优化面向外籍人士服务的具体举措。

“The guide launched by EyeShenzhen, in my opinion, is very good for informing foreigners who come to Shenzhen,” said Matteo Convertino, one of the seven Shenzhen Global Communication Ambassadors present at today’s ceremony.

意大利人Matteo Convertino在接受采访时表示:“在我看来,由EyeShenzhen推出的‘外籍人士便利化服务全媒体指引’对要来深圳发展、生活的外籍人士是非常有用的。”Matteo Convertino是今日出席活动的七位深圳全球传播使者之一。


Expat attendees take selfies after the ceremony. 

“When I first arrived here, such a guide was probably not available, making it more difficult for me to get the information I needed. If I were to move here now, it would be easier because I would at least know the general framework of how things work,” he added.

Matteo Convertino补充道:“我觉得这份指南很有价值。我刚来深圳的时候,还没有这份指南,在获取相关信息时确实遇到了不少困难。如果我是现在搬来深圳,获取这些信息就会容易得多。”

Launched on June 10 last year, EyeShenzhen has ushered in a new era of international communication. With versions available in nine languages —English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Arabic, and Portuguese — it has made Shenzhen the first city in China to host such a nine-language official portal.



来源 | EyeShenzhen
